Friday 28 September 2012

My Perfect Dream School!

My perfect dream school would have a beautiful & fun looking exterior and interior. My dream school would treat everyone as equals and no social cliques and social ratings. Most importantly the school would have a very creative surrounding, for example the halls would be 100% covered with art except the windows. The school must have music playing at some point of the day and let students listen to music. I would want the lockers to be decorated to our liking which would express our individual personalities. When students have free blocks I would love if there were a choice between participating in fun activities or just relaxing and doing whatever you want. Also, the school must have teachers who are unique, some which are easy going and respectable. Overall, the element that would make it perfect is having a comfortable atmosphere. Having a comfortable atmosphere, feels like walking into a second home or walking into a school that would not make you feel pressured to learn every single thing they teach you.
The elements which Sullivan Heights possess are that students are treated equally and has a lot of fun activities for students to be involved in.

Sunday 9 September 2012

I am me. I'm just a normal being in this world! Hi! My name Simran. I am 15 years old. I define myself as an outgoing and fun person and my family means the world to me. I like taking CERTAIN kinds of risks. Others may define me as shy in the beginning but when I get to know them I'm really fun to be around! ( Just so you know I had another persons perspective for this. I'm not just being cocky😜) As role models, I look up to my mom because there aren't many as strongwilled like her.When I "grow up", I want to get a job where I can travel around the world because I really want to experience life to the fullest! I want to learn all the different cultural values. Someone that I would say who inspires me would be my mom, she is an incredibly hard worker and I admire her for that. I have to say that I have not yet experienced a moment in my life that I recall that would've changed my life. Although having great family and friends have. My best friend is Shannon. She is 14 years old, almost 15, she is super funny, always makes me laugh, knows everything about me and has also known me since grade 3, were basically family. I think that we will still be BEST friends in 10 years, we are always together.😁 Somethings I want to accomplish in life are going to university, being successful and living life to the fullest, without regrets!
If i were 75 and were to look back I would love to see memories full of smiles and laughter. I think that I smile quite alot and that makes me happy. I was once asked "how do I experience living in the present". To answer that I would like to say that I think we are all privileged and blessed to be living in the 21st century. Take a GOOD look in the past and compare the two. Compared to life back then, most of us have it easy. " if money weren't an issue, what would you do?" Answer: I would travel ALL AROUND THE WORLD! I want to go to as many places as i can before my life comes to an end. The most beautiful place I've ever been to, has to be Goa in India because it has a beautiful view of the ocean and I felt mesmerized by the scenery just by standing outside! I think love, originality and creativity is what makes something beautiful!☺ Ah! Some things that make me feel alive are doing dangerous things such as parasailing, ziplining, bungee jumping, and parachuting but not all of them are dangerous, I just can't decribe what I'm trying to say😓

I am here because I want to be a part of Sullivan Heights. I took yearbook because I want to contribute to the school somehow. I can be creative at times and I do have a couple of ideas for the yearbook. I know being in yearbook isn't something I should take lightly and I know that. I'm going to try in this class. I don't expect this to be easy either. I love how Sullivan Heights has so many afterschool activities and how some teachers give up their free time for students. I am proud to be star!